Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Ryan!

I never posted on Ryans birthday and I need to express my deepest love for this man I have spent the past ten years with. I feel like we are entering into the best years of our marriage. Our love has reached a higher level, one of understanding and tranquility. We are not perfect and we have come to an acceptance of this. In fact it seems as though we are greater able to laugh at one another's faults instead of trying to change them. Ryan loves me in a way that surpasses my expectations of a husband. With all the phisical stuff I have been facing he has been so wonderful. He helps with the dishes and laundry and even mops my floor. He helps me to take it easy when I need to and he makes me laugh. Like this picture. He finally convinced me to watch Nacho Libra and I did laugh. This is the goofy grin from the character whose name I can not remember.
I can not imagine my life with any one else. I look at other couples and hope for them the same kind of love I have for my husband. He is my everything. With him I am a better person. I was telling my girls the other day that I hope they marry someone like there dad that will love them so very much. I always saw tenderness in my own dads eyes towards my mom and I feel so lucky to now know what that feels like. I remember long car rides as a child and I would listen to my parents talk for hours and wonder how they never ran out of anything to talk about. That is one of my favorite things about the man that is my prince and king. Being married to your best friend, you can lay in bed and talk about the deep to the mundane and enjoy it all.

Thank you Ryan for choosing me to spend the rest of eternity with.

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