Christmas is only 13 days away? Wait, I'm not ready!!!
I have way more to do then I have time. I was hoping to be done two weeks ago. Morning sickness has messed me all up. We'll see if it all gets done.
Here is the family helping me put together christmas cards. I wanted to have them sent off no later then today. Again, we'll see.
This week was a long one. It is one of those weeks were you realize how much you really do love your kids. Joseph started us out with the flu on Tuesday. He was so sick I got really scared. He threw up over 15 times in one night. We slept with him in between us and when he started to stir we would prop him up to throw up in a bowl. We didn't make it several times and went threw every towel in our house. Two days latter Emma got sick. She was pretty good about throwing up in a bowl which was much nicer. Jared followed next but he preferred the floor, the cupboards, the trash can. He never once threw up in a decent spot. Then Friday night I got it. We had an adult only party that we were supposed to have that night but thankfully it got changed to Saturday. So Saturday I laid around all day just hoping I would get better. Sarah prayed at dinner that I wouldn't throw up any more. And I didn't. We were all good for our party. Then Ryan woke up really sick. Sarah woke up this morning around 4 and threw up. I must say though, she has been the most mature out of any of us about being sick. She threw up in a bowl took it to the bathroom. Should me were a little had spilled. Then she went right back to bed. She carries the bowl with her if she gets up. It is nice to end this wee with her.
Back to our party. It was so fun to have a get together with out having to worry about the kids. The adults were noisier then any children I have ever had at my house and Joseph slept right threw it. We played uno in rounds and kept score. Very competitive people. Then we played a game were you had four people go up and all tell similar stories and you had to guess who was telling the truth. We have some good liars for friends. Who knew?
This week I learned how much my children mean to me. I cried for them when they were sick. I missed them at our party. Emma cried when she realized she had to stay in our room during the party. We decided to surprise them with a party next week. I think they will love it.
Ryan was sick on Sunday I got to take all of the kids to church by myself for the first time. Our sacrament meeting is last and starts at three. Let me remind you that is after having been there two hours already. I was so impressed with my kids. They were so good. I came home and gave them all treats. I just felt so proud of us all for making it the whole time with no outbursts!!!!
I hope the pics make you smile.

Awww, those pics DID make me smile! And laugh about you needing to teach them humility.
I'm so proud of your kids for being so well-behaved! You're a good Mom and it shows. After seeing Nanny 911, its always the families with 4 or more kids who have unruly households (my guess is the mom is just sheerly exhausted!) But when we went to lunch with you I thought your kids were just exceptionally well-behaved. All very social, polite, sweet, funny. You have every reason to be proud!
Thank you. I think the moms on those shows have just given up. I know tons of moms who put in the required effort and it shows. I think all kids need is consistence and lots of love.
Talk about example... you seem so loving with your girls and you seem to just love being a mom. You are always a good reminder of how lucky we truly are!!
Ps... We are not always so well behaved. Believe me we have moments were people around you give you look of death. Like "Why can't you take care of those kids?" Thats when we pinch the kids to make them scream. Just to really drive those parents of one child or no children crazy!
Aw, thanks = )
And LOL about pinching the kids!
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