Sunday, January 14, 2007

Joshua is 7 Months already

*****Seven Month Milestones*****

*Jan 11th he finally figured out how to crawl with both hands and knees. He has been doing his seal crawl, or rocking on his hands and knees then throwing himself forward.
*Jan23rd he pulled up to standing. Wait not yet!
*Joshua can pick up very small things and put them in his mouth. He loves to eat Cheerios and does not like that it takes to long to eat baby food.
*He said Mama really clearly a few days ago.
*He weighs about 24 lbs
*He loves to be around us. He was sitting in his walker the other day and he was bending backwards to look at us.
*He mimics the sounds the other kids make. Joseph will scream so Joshua will scream.
*His voice sounds older. Sometimes I am not sure it is him "talking"
*Joseph has discovered that it is fun to sit on Joshua. He thinks it is very funny. Amazingly Joshua doesn't seem to mind. I think it is good that Joshua is such a big kid! That way he can rough house with his older brothers.
*I had to go to the Dr's on Friday and when I told him how big Joshua his mouth almost dropped to the floor. It was funny to me!
*He laughs when you get him from his nap. He cries to let you know he wants you to come get him but then once you walk into the room he laughs at you! Almost to say, "It worked! I got you here."
*He can switch toys from one hand to the other.
*He gives big huge slobber kisses. He grabs your face and won't let you move. Love it!

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