Thursday, July 19, 2007


...this blog post is not for the weak at heart.

So we are in the middle of moving and my three year old has decided to assert his independence in a very real and noticeable way.

On Sunday after Josephs nap he went into his closet to "take care of business" He went both pee and poop. I was kind of shocked and didn't know what to do... so I did nothing. Well we explained to him that we only go in the bathroom. He seemed like he understood. You have to understand that he has been potty trained for some time now so this is really out of the blue. Then that night we had friends over and he went and peed on the floor in the piano room. What? We laughed. What else can you do.

Ryan has been working really hard to get a web site done for some highly challenging customers. He had a deadline and stayed up till 5 in the morning. So when I got up with the kids I was treated to find that Joseph had pooped on the floor in the piano room, again. But this time he decided to use Jared's brand new piano books as his toilet. The odd thing? The piano books were put away. He grabbed the only two new books out of the twenty or so that we have. It appears that he realized he had made a mess and tried to clean it up himself. So it was smeared all over the carpet. I do not usually clean up this kind of mess. I am blessed with a husband who is an expert in getting stains out of things so when throw up or anything like this happens I step aside and let him at it. No way was I going to wake him up so I did it. Joseph and I had a big talk. I made him sit with me and watch me clean it up hoping he would see this was not pleasant and not do it again.

I wish this were the end of my story. I put Joshua down for a nap earlier in the week. Joseph goes missing about 30 minutes later. I hear him laughing and he is in Joshua's crib with him. I then spot fish food all over the carpet. Not only did he get into the dry fish food but he was playing with water also so it was all smeared into the carpet. He then got into lipstick and had fun with that. He opened up a vitamin and stained the carpet yellow.

We are moving next Saturday and it is almost humorous that all this would happen now.

After all of this had happened this week the last draw was simply that he put a hole in the most expensive door in the house. He had tied an exercises jump rope to the door handle (it is rubber and stretches) He then pulled the other end and when the handle snapped back it put a hole in the door. I am documenting all of this because I know that all women can find humor in my story. We all have days and weeks like this. I managed to keep my cool through out all of this. I recognize that God is with me in my most stressing times. I was reading in Luke 12 how our Father is so aware of us and our struggles. Consider the lilies of the field.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh my word. I SO sympathize with you. I, too, have an amazing husband who usually cleans up the nastiness - but many times he's at work. You poor thing! And as if you weren't stressed already!