Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My little three month old

I love this picture. It seems like I always get the pictures I love best when I am not trying. Some one asked me to take their daughters wedding pictures for her today. (I think she was finding out if I would be interested-her daughter might just elope) I would think that would be so amazing. The whole reason I love taking pictures is the ability a picture has to capture emotion. So to be able to capture one of the most passionate and love filled moments for a person would be a privilege. I don't really know that I am qualified but I would love to give it a try. That was off topic..
..Back to my little Jacob. He just turned 3 months and is seriously the happiest. He smiles all the time and the kids love when they come say hi to him and are greeted with the biggest Jacob grin. He is finally has a good little schedule. It seems to be the same most days. He wakes up at 7 and nurses about every three hours. He goes to bed around 8-9 most nights. I love schedules.
Jacob Milestones:
As of tonight he weighs 17 lbs
Cooes frequently and razzes especially when he has just eaten.
He has discovered his hands and loves to suck on them
He pushes up when on his tummy
Has "accidentally" rolled over a few times. (meaning he used my leg to push off or he was on an incline
He got his first hair cut about a month ago (I shaved it with the clippers and it's growing in great)
He really doesn't cry much. Only if we wait to long to bundle him and give him his pacifier.
Last night he went 7 hours before waking to eat (This could be due to the fact that I finally put him in the other bedroom and it requires him to really cry for me to wake up)
He has discovered his tongue and enjoys making faces
If you razz at him he will usually razz back.

Joshua and Joseph love to come and kiss his head or hold his hand. Wow I am curious what three little active boys will be like. The three older kids love to hold him and Sarah loves to get him dressed and change his diaper. Sometimes they pick out really cute outfits and other times, well...I find a reason to change him if we are leaving the house.

He brings a great happy spirit about him and I feel so blessed to have him in our home. I think we all feel that way

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