Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jacob is 6 months already.

I love the drool in this picture.

He is so much fun. He babbles all the time. He says mama, baba, dada. He still loves to razz and has even learned how to do it while holding his binkie in his mouth. He rolls from his back to his stomach with ease. He absolutely loves his jumper It cracks us up how high he can bounce when he gets going.

When we were swimming the other day Emma kept popping up out of the water and he would giggle every time. His laugh really is the best. He totally hates bath time. I mean with a huge passion. Its odd that he let me take him swimming with no complaints. He even kind of liked it.

We feed him his first meal this week. This little guy is so easy going. He pulled no face what so ever. He acted like an old pro. The kids wee all standing around me and laugh. They were just so thrilled that he could eat something. Jacob was so entertained by them that he hardly noticed I kept putting food in his mouth. He finally caught on then was upset when I was done. He will be a good eater.

Jacob loves to play with his toes and eating them is even funner. He still is just such a happy baby with a great disposition. He learned to sleep through the night with a little help. It was fairly simple. I didn't have to let him cry for long periods of time. He would start to fuss and I would simply give him his binkie and he would fall back asleep. Granted I would have to do that a few times before he just gave up and went back to sleep.

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