"I heard in my mind—not in my own voice—these words: 'I’m not giving you these experiences for yourself. Write them down.' I went inside. I didn’t go to bed. Although I was tired, I took out some paper and began to write." Pres. Eyring
Squabbling Sisters Can Grow Up to be Best Friends
Here’s another post in my series of “sister posts.” Today I am here to give
mothers of young squabbling sisters some hope. Because guess what? I can
Fall Fun
Posting some pictures of fun times with our little family from this month
and last on this rainy fall day. It's been gettng cold fast this year so we
I grew up in a town called Paradise, California. My father owned and
operated a local town Pharmacy as long as I can remember, it was before the
days wh...
Arrow weeks 1-9
1 week old: very alert and already flashed her first smile
2 weeks old: sleeping and eating well. Had her two week check up weighing
in at 7 pounds 9 ou...
One littel Word for 2015 and a Few Goals
This is the beginning of a new year and with that come new goals and my new
word for the year. This year my word is ENJOY. There are lots of reasons
why I ...
Happy Birthday Jonathan!
I cannot believe that my little baby is now 5 years old! Jonathan has been
looking forward to his birthday all year. It was torture for him that
Even though I am small
Recently he wanted to crawl in bed with me. But I told him he had to get
all his wiggles out first because it is SO WIGGLY when he cuddles.
He shook o...
life is not perfect. i know. there are rough days...that sometimes
stretch into rough weeks...but if someone had told me before i had kids
that i could ...
7 Years
road trip - 1999 Today was a hard one. Some years are definitely harder
than others. I just miss her. I've been thinking a lot about this quote:
My Bailey Girl
Today my Bailey girl turns 5! I can't believe it. Ever since she was born
I always thought, "I can't wait until she turns 5!" I feel like so many
Christmas planning
Dear Self,
Christmas this year was very stressful, to the point of exhaustion. Eventually
I began to feel relaxed and enjoyed the season. I want to reme...
Daily Parker
Parker's teacher called me this morning.
Parker had told her teacher that I told her she HAD to leave her winter
gloves on all day long.
Not quite, in fac...
Wednesday we packed up to head down to the beach for our traditional beach
camping trip. Just to spice things up as we were getting things together
Kobe go...
More Pics . . .
Mmmm . . Oatmeal!
Riley and Dash checking out the monkeys at the zoo
Going for a little drive
More fun in the pool
I bought the boys new reusable swim ...
Read this on Pioneer Woman today and agree 100%.
Advice for marriage:
One piece of advice I’d give—and this pretty much covers a lot of ground—is
to look...
looky - Looky
* ~ favorito ~*
*Look at me updating the blog *
*after over a year -- *
*even in order - haha - *
*so many pictures though *
*it might take a little while - ...
Twenty Ten in Review - December
*December 2010*
Trip to Disneyland to start the month off right!
Coloring after seeing Santa
It's a Small World
Nana and Ryan
Me and Jake
Ryan had all his "f...
9 more weeks!!
Sorry bloggers it has been a while. I am about through nursing school. I
walk on March 24!!! I am so excited to be done, and then I get to start my
More winter fun
Maddie getting ready to see Santa and a puppet show. She never sat on
Santa's lap this year. We tried several times. It got to the point where
she would s...
*I started this post in February of this year. I got a little distracted. *
What is it about some people that we find them so quotable?
For instance:
Halloween is here!
I've always wanted to make costumes for the kids and I finally did it this
year. (Well for half of them, at least.)
We went with the Alice in Wonderland th...
My Engizer Bunny
This is just one of the assignments I turned in last semester for my
writing assignment. I may have edited slightly even more. :)
Let me first describe the...
There is so much that goes on in my life and so many things I could blog
about that trying to pick just one leaves me overwhelmed and then I don't
do it. A...
Christmas list 2009
If there are spelling errors just remember we are family and you don't love
me for my spelling.
Jared-Travis S
Sarah May-Torch
School days!
Well, once a month isn't bad! I'm getting September in! We started school
this month and Kai is still just as excited to learn. We are having a blast
and h...
Why Do We Need Failure?
Today I got to thinking about why is it so common for monumental success to
be proceeded by significant failure. I know some might argue that
monumental ...
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