My parents are home my parents are home! After two years of being in out of the country they are finally home. I am so excited to see them! I have missed them so terribly!! There were days when I just needed my mommy. Now when I have those days I can just call her up. So on Thursday the kids and I are going to drive up to Vegas and see them. Ryan will fly in that night from a business trip in Arizona. Road trip, Yeah! Road trip with just me and six kids, (this is the part I would love to say yeah to but I am just not so sure yet)
It is my dad's b-day today. My dad is such a big softy. I remember crying when I was a teenager about something and my dad just holding me. Not offering any advice, just holding me and letting me cry. I have always felt of my dad's sweet love for me. I have felt from him that he respects me and even admires me. He makes it easy for me to understand how much love my Father on Heaven must have for me. I love this man and am proud he is my Father.
Other stuff I have been meaning to blog about:
Jacob cooed at Ryan 2-23. I've never seen such a proud father. He told me first thing then asked if I had heard him do that before and when he realized it was special for him, oh I wish I could capture that smile. Ryan's smile, the very big real genuine one is something I treasure far more then I think he knows or realizes. It makes my heart sing.
Jacob still has some nights where he is very
confused. The past few days he thinks 4 o'clock is a good time to wake up. Other days its been a battle from 1-4. Last night he decided to wake up almost every hour of the night. On a good note it makes for interesting dreams.
He laughed at Joseph the other day. At least it seemed like it to us. He smiles much more now and it is in response to us and we love it. He is getting such cute fat cheeks that make his smile seem even bigger. The other day this lady insisted "he got a fat head, a really fat hat." I laughed for days on that one. I smile still when I think about about
Joshua and his ever abundant energy. He runs from one trouble making mess to the next. In fact he will come tell you he is doing something he shouldn't in a
haha tone just some you will come get him. This is so funny to watch when he does it to the kids. He gets in to their toys and then taunts them. He then runs away as fast as he can. Tonight he got into to cookies and proceeded to lock himself in the bathroom. He shoved two in his mouth before we could unlock the door. Good thing he is #5. We have learned how to laugh much more.
Does that mean he doesn't stress me out? Of course not. I had to call poison control yesterday after I found out he had gotten into my iron pills which are very dangerous for kids. He didn't eat enough to have it be a worry. According to pest control he needed to eat 14 before it would be a concern.
He put on Jared's hat the other day and said. "I'm Jared." Then pointed to Jared and said, "you me"
His very favorite thing to say is "No, never" and "Yes ever" He always says it with a smile and it really cracks me up.
He has picked up on name calling and the other day said to me, "hey punk" The kids only two.
Today Ryan and Joshua stayed home from church and when he woke up from his nap he asked, "Where is everybody? I miss them"
Joseph quotes
"Jacobs looks kinda fat like Aunt Sarah's baby"
"I love the girl in my movie I got, she'd kinda cute" he said this with a shy grin
For family movie night this week we watched Horton Hears a who. We made little flowers and put specks on them. When we went to bed they were still wet so we had to wait for the morning for them to dry. First thing the next morning he runs into my room all excited and proclaims. "You know the world with the little people on it, it's dry" It made me laugh.
When we watched High school musical 3 and the junkyard scene was over he said in awe, "That part was kinda awesome"
Every single morning when he wakes up he comes into my room and asks if he can eat breakfast. I have never said no but he keeps asking me. I do enjoy it because then I get a little squish first thing in the morning."
Jared, Sarah, Emma
The other day they come in and ask if they can start a lemonade stand. Yeah sure. I didn't realize they were going to charge a buck a piece. Prices have sure gone up. The crazy thing? They made $6 almost instantly.
They have really loved having neighbor kids to play with and they are outside every chance they get. Jared is trying to learn to skateboard and has decided it is not as easy as it looks. The neighbor boys are pretty good and make it look easy.
Ryan was out of town last weekend so we decided to go on a little excursion. We went to the
OC swap meet. The kids had allowance they wanted to spend and thought this would be fun. The things they bought cracked me up.
Fake poop that splatters when you throw it on the ground then comes back to "life"
A barking dog
A huge gardening hat
a necklace and earrings
a shock pen
a laser light
yoyo type squishy ball
football cards
a sword
Six of those things are already broken. The older kids learned that cheap price can mean cheap stuff. On the way home Jared and Emma were fighting because Jared wanted to buy Emma's laser light for $1 more then she paid, (it was $1 to began with) She said yes then with in seconds of actually trading she changed her mind. They started to fight then they brought me into it. I didn't know what was fair so I told them to work it out with out fighting or else I got to keep both. And what do you know, it worked. They came up with a solution and they were both fine with it. Wow. That was a good mommy moment!