Emma was so fun on her birthday. She realized that she is now big and can do everything by herself. She refused to let anyone help her open her presents. She got a doll that had a hundred of those ties on them and she insisted on doing it all herself. After this experience I decided to let her decorate her own cake. She loved that. I layed the fondant on and she got to put on all the other stuff. She had a blast.
Cute things about Emma. She put on a Hawaiian dress she got from her Aunt Kaylee and she said, "Helloha" She is having a hard time understanding why she can't do what the bigger kids can do. She is learning to how to read and that has been fun for both of us. She has known all her letter and how to spell some words but she is finally understanding how to sound things out. She loves to look at books and I know she will be thrilled once she can read them. Most nights we go to tuck her in and she has fallen asleep with a book.
Emma was so thrilled to get a big girl bike. 
Here is her masterpiece.
She is blowing out her candle not trying to eat it/

Here is her masterpiece.

1 comment:
What a beautiful girl! I know where she gets it from!
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