Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The kids went trunk-or-treating at my MIL's church. There were not a lot of people there so the kids went around three or four times. It was nice because they didn't get to much candy. It was a mellow evening. We then went to Great Grandma and Grandpas to show off the kids.

The family checking out their treats.
Joshua did not really get the reason we were walking around. He just loved being free. He would crack us up. If we let go of his hand he would take off and go until you stopped him. I think he was my biggest candy eater though. Boy did he love it!Joseph was a little bit grumpy. Instead of saying thank you he would grunt and make a crusty face. He also made Ryan hold him for a long time. He did say he had fun though.
I made all the costumes except for Sarah's. Aunt Amy gave that to her a few years back. Since she has been reading all the Little House on The Prairie books she wanted to be Laura. She did insist I make her an apron though. By the way, Thanks Hope for the super easy hat pattern! You saved me.

The gang ready to forget dinner and eat some candy. I love the cheezy grins!
Robin and his Merry Men. There was no way I was having my boys wear tights. so yes they are wearing jeans.

Joseph was Little John except he didn't want to be "little" so we called him Big John.
And Joshua was Will from the Robin Hood book. The kids also stated that he was baby John.
Robin Hood
Our tooth fairy (like the boots?)
Laura Inglis Wilder

1 comment:

Shannon Bieger said...

You made those costumes? Please, come teach me to sew!! They're adorable! LOL I love "Baby John".

P.S. The post about Jared helping clean up after the fires touched my heart. What a special kid.