Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I grew up with cats and dogs. Our dogs were always neglected and Never really got played with. I loved having cats and enjoyed dressing them up when I was little. I remember one of my cats licking my tears once when I was crying.

My husband on the other hand remembers cleaning up poop and not playing with their animals so he really has no desire to own a cat or dog. For some reason I have been wanting a pet. Not a dragon that I would never hold but something that can be held.

We are trying to help Joseph to stop sucking his fingers. So I thought I would offer him a pet if he could stop. We went to the pet store yesterday to try and motivate him. He told me on the way he wanted a rat and I was thinking, "yeah, no!" I just figured it would be easy to convince him other wise.

When we got there we had the worker lady show us all the animals. She showed us the hamster and explained that hamsters bit, often. The mice were to jumpy they would not be good for a little boy to hold. We held rats, Geckos, and snakes. We looked at frogs and lizards. We pet the cats, rabbits, birds, and guinea pigs. To my surprise what was the animal, besides a cat, that I wanted? A rat. The rats were so friendly and soft. Easy for little hands to hold. They can be potty trained. The worker was explaining to us how smart the rats are. Once I got over the gross idea of the rat I warmed up quickly.

I got home and found this. How cool is that. I then recruited my husband to make me one and he agreed. What a sweet man! I know it seems weird that I now really want a couple of rats but I will take what I can get. Now I just get to help my son stop sucking his fingers


Karen said...

My 3rd Child is a huge fan of Rats as well. She has stuffed animal, that is a rat from Ikea. She calls him Ratone. She has been begging for a rodent for months. Her dad is not willing to budge on that one, unfortunately. He says we already live in a hamster cage with all the shredded paper that comes from the kids. (Eyes rolling) Good luck with the finger sucking. It is a hard one to move past.

Anonymous said...

I've always had cats. The main reason why cats are my favorite pet is because they keep the rodents AWAY!!!! Seriously, they whole time I was reading this I was shaking and my teeth were chattering. I have a MAJOR phobia. Not the normal kind. I couldn't even look at the picture. I know...I need help.

By the way...I think finger sucking is so cute. Just sayin' . Miss you all!!!

Arn and Jody said...


When I was in college, there was an apartment full of boys who had a pet rat. They named it "Boo Boo" which was short for bubonic. If the incentive is great enough, he will stop sucking his fingers. I am afraid I still sucked my thumb until I got in Kindergarten and then the peer pressure broke that habit fast.

Love you all bunches.

Anonymous said...

Fingers aren't so bad. We can't get over the kids with BINKIES here in France and Belgium. I swear I saw a teenage girl with one of those suckers in her mouth in the mall in Bordeaux. If it weren't so rude I'd take pictures of some of them and send them to you. The French word for them is "sucettes" Literal translation... sucker.

Michelle S. said...

That is some rat house. Your children are having a wonderful childhood!

Julie Winder said...

I am thankful our neighbors have dogs that seems to feel their need for a pet right now. hope you are doing good, excited to find out what your are having?