Sunday, April 24, 2011

Early Marriage

I got pregnant when we first got married. I was so sick that I would throw up several times a day and some days I didn't get out of bed. I remember sitting in the back bedroom when Ryan made dinner cause I couldn't smell it with out throwing up. I look back and wonder how we managed to get to know each other but some how we did.
I remember when I was going through labor that Ryan and I were so connected on such a spiritual level that just hearing his voice would calm me down. He would walk me through each contraction and it is one of my favorite memories.
I also remember being very nervous about changing Jared's diapers that I would wake up Ryan in the middle of the night after each feeding (why I called them feedings I am not sure) Jared has been an early riser since he was first born and I was not used to that. Little did I know he would be setting a tone for the rest of the children.

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