Other changes? My baby is now 1.
His first real word is oh no. SO cute.
He babbles a lot and we try to make out what he is saying which is rather fun for us.
This last week he got two more teeth in so now he has a total of 4.
He still prefers to army crawl because it is so much faster.
He is testing out his standing skills and likes to see how long he can do it before he falls. down. Today he was bouncing up and down while standing and the kids got a good laugh out of his dancing skills.
I was trying to set up the camera to take pics of him eating his cake and he had to see what I was doing. It was so funny because his pants kept getting under him and he couldn't crawl. He just was sorta stuck in one spot. he seemed to enjoy that we were laughing with him.

A quick pre-party pic. Isn't he such a doll??

Joseph loves his waffle maker and really wanted me to make waffles for the babies bday. They were yummy!

When you are the baby this is as close as breakfast in bed gets. Waffles in the highchair. Good stuff.

Joshua usually doesn't like to draw. But when we got new markers for their white board he has been drawing up a storm. He told me this was his angry guy

I decided to buy a $5 cake this year and give the other kids ice cream- my family doesn't really like cake. How cute is this little bitty cake?

Jacob loved the frosting but not the actually cake. Oh how he makes my heart smile!

When it came to present time he was not really that interested. He just kept looking at his card over and over again. He seemed to really truly love it.

How in the world did we get so lucky to have such great kids who are beautiful too!?!?
holy smokes! i heard you guys are in a different ward but didn't hear about ryan's calling. what an adventure for your family!
Good luck on Sundays .. I know that you will be blessed in so many ways for Ryan's service to the ward. How fun is it to watch your little babies grow? lol Chase's first word has been "hi" it's super fun! I love the pictures you did with him - so cute!
I absolutely love babies and their first cake pictures! Good idea to set it up on a towel or sheet for good pics--note to self for next time. See you on Sunday!
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