My Mom's birthday is today. This is the sweetest mom a daughter could ask for. Growing up she was always there for me to talk to. I remember sitting in her room talking to her about everything, crying when I was hurt by a friend or boy, or just excited about some little girl fantasy. She helped me believe I could do anything. My parents would come to every one of my swim meets for 9 nine years. It took almost the whole Saturday and they never acted like it was a bother. I always knew my mother thought the world of me and that threw her eyes I was the best. I only hope that I can give my children this same kind of love. The kind only a loving mother can offer. I am so excited for when Laura and I get to go visit them in France. I love this women! Hope you have a great day Mom!
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i just can't stop commenting because, i spent six years in france(see my bio under interest) have five kids, lead an lds life etc ect ect
I want to go to France! You will have to let me know how it is so that I can convince my husband some more that he needs to take me there! Tell your singing trio they are great!
be lated happy birthday to ur mom!
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