Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb 19th

Allen, my BIL, woke me up at 5:30. I say woke me up but I had been awake just laying there again just waiting for the time that we would be on our way. We left the house at 6 and hit very little traffic. I think when we got to the airport we were both feeling apprehensive because when we tried to check in and the machine wouldn’t let us we got flustered rather easily. They have machines now that take your ticket info, check you in, then they send you to a worker if you have baggage to check. We were sent to her because we thought we were doing something wrong. Come to find out our flight to Chicago is at least 2 hours late. There goes our connecting flight to Germany I thought. A man in line told us that if it is late due to mechanical errors they will reroute us right away. We had printed out other flight plans if we missed our connection in Chicago but not in Vegas. As it turned out our worrying was for nothing. They had already switched our flight to an earlier one to Washington D.C. and we would have plenty of time to get our connection to Germany. Sigh of relief at this point. Since we were slightly flustered, the lady at the counter made some joke at our expense and being glad for us that at least we were together. We laughed and quickly booked it to make our earlier flight at 8. We really did not need to be there 2 ½ hours early but, because of this advice, we made the new flight plan. I felt very blessed and reassured that our trip would be fine and that Heavenly Father was watching out for us. I felt inspired to go on this trip and it has been nice to be reminded now and again that when we do what we are asked to do things work out.
The flights were each very long but having movies on the plan helped. Our flight from D.C. to Germany was the longest, and we thought we would sleep the whole way because we had brought sleeping pills. As it turns out sleeping pills don’t do much good if it is not your normal bedtime. Our flight left at what would have been our time 2:30. I normally take a nap at that time but I could not fall asleep. Oh well. I think I took a few cat naps, enough to not feel totally insane. When we arrived in Germany I felt like a ton of bricks had hit me and I was glad that we could get up and walk around since we were not going to be sleeping.

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