Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Shout out to the mail man

The mail man brought my camera in the mail yesterday so I finally have pics.

I love my kids. We were in the car today going to pick up Sarah from school. I called Ryan on my cell, which is new and the first cell phone I have ever had, I used the speaker phone so Emma could tell her dad that she loved him. After she yelled it out Joseph joined in. It is so warming the first time your children say I love you.

After we got home and had lunch I told the girls it was rest time. Emma started to cry because Sarah was teaching her to read. Sarah said in the sweetest voice ever, “I’ll lay down with her and read to her.” How do you say no to that? I think morning kindergarten is going to be something we could all get used to. Sarah is normally very grouchy about that time of day.

Then today Sarah has a new sickness. She threw up twice but is feeling better now.

Is it our turn for health yet?

Here are a few of the pics I have of christmas. Ryan should be getting some from his mom tonight. Then I can update even more. I love this journaling for it truly helps me to remember the cutnesses of my children.
Whom ever said being a mom is not rewarding must not have children.

That's my dad. These two have a very special bond. I think Joseph prefers
being with his dad over any one else.

"Star Wars, SWEET!"

Joseph wasn't really interested in his presents.
He just wanted to help everyone else with theirs.

"How cute am I?"

Really I don't think he needed any toys to be happy. His other favorite
was the bows. He called them hats.

"Please read my part of the story, PLEASE."

Here is a little sampling of Hopes Christmas gift.

And here are the Card organizers I made for the mom's in my life.

1 comment:

Shannon Bieger said...

Awww, how sweet Sarah is!!!

Ugh, more sickness. : ( I used to love winter for the cold weather. Then I had kids and now cold weather means no one gets to play outside and LOTS of germs. Bleck.

The pics are adorable! I love the card organizers! Nice job!