Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Talent Show

The kids had their talent show yesterday. I understand that I am a very proud mom, but I truly think they did wonderful. Sarah got so nervous the night before. We were going to have her practice one last time before the big day and she started to cry. A very serious and sad cry. I told her that she didn't have to do it and that it was just for fun. She said she wanted to she was just "escared" Sarah has always said it like that. We had a special pray upon her request. When she went to bed she told me that she knew she would be able to do it. In the morning she woke up all smiles and was ready for the show.

Jared said our morning prayer and remembered to pray that Sarah would not be nervous. What a sweet brother. She did request that Emma be her backup dancer. It was so cute. She told me afterwards, "I said a prayer before I went on and I wasn't nervous at all. Some of the other kids were but I wasn't. Heavenly Father helped me." It was said so matter of factly. I guess this is why we are told to be as little children. Their faith is amazing.
Here they are practicing the morning of. Sarah wanted to be dressed like Hillary Duff. It was cute to have her pick out a shirt and hair style. She had me look up Hillary Duff online and this is the up do she said looks like Hillary's.

I will get a camera with zoom one of these days.

Jared amazed me. He carries such quiet confidence. No nervousness from him. He just knows that he is good at what he does and does it well. He told me after words that his teacher told him he did a good job but he didn't hear her tell that to any one else. His form was so crisp and very professional. There was another little boy that did karate and Jared blew him out of the water. I have a bad habit of comparing sometimes. Not all the time, but regardless I need to watch that.

Jared has the most awesome teacher. She is so good with her kids. Her attitude is so positive and really brings out the best in Jared. It is amazing for me to think that she has a husband dyeing of cancer and she still manages to be so up beat. I need to surround myself with more women like her!

Ryan had to go out of town today and won't be back till late Saturday. Ryan is usually the one who helps get Joseph ready in the morning so this morning when His dad was no where to be found he was distressed. He was walking around the house saying "Dad, dad?" It was so sad. So we called Ryan and Joseph was elated. He wanted to talk all day. When it was time to go he was so mad. Pour little guy. We are going to have to have some serious fun to make up for dad being gone.

1 comment:

Shannon Bieger said...

Awww! I am so proud of your kids for doing great in the talent show! And especially proud of Sarah for relying on the Lord to pull her through her fears!! And what a sweet brother Jared is to remember to lift his sister in prayer. *sniff* I'm a little teary-eyed now.

:( Made me sad to think of Joseph missing his Daddy. I hope Ryan is home by now and you guys are enjoying some hugs and quality time!